
The Cicada Creature is a creature made of a swarm of cicadas used to disguise Grandma Moonbeam. He is voiced by Frank Welker.

Physical Appearance

The cicada monster

Cicada creature costume.

The Cicada monster was shown to be large and creepy with a deep voice. It shows it does not look like a cartoon version. It looks like a black and brown creature full of cicadas.

Powers and Abilities

The Cicada Monster can shoot swarms of cicadas to attack his enemies.


The Cicada Creature has a bad attitude and is pretty dangerous.

Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated

People heard a creepy voice on the phone and they ignore it and a huge brown giant cicada with a swarm of cicadas and attack them. People went to the hospital to get first aid from the Cicada Monster's attack.

The nurse got the cicada off of a victim's nose. Sheriff Stone got frightened by the cicadas. A person taking a bath was also attacked by the Cicada Monster and went to the hospital.

A person who refused to change the natur slivers was playing golf and was also attacked and probably killed by the Cicada Monster.

At the Cicada Fair, Scooby and the gang went into the house of spooky things and they were attacked by the Cicada Monster.

Scooby turned on the vacuum and all the cicadas got sucked into the vaccum revealing Grandma Moonbeam in a beekeeper outfit. Grandma Moonbeam wanted to get revenge on the people who were making different ingredients. She watched TV and saw a person that was using a machine that controls animals such as penguins.

Instead of using penguins, she used cicadas to create the Cicada Creature. Moonbeam would have succeded to if it weren't for those meddiling young people. (When The Cicada Calls)


Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated - When The Cicada Calls


  • "I warned you!"