Expansion This needs a stretch. (Feel free to remove when satisfied of completion.)
Needed: History is incomplete.

Clive Dickerman is a real-estate agent.

Physical appearance[]

Clive Dickerman is a tall man with brown hair. He is dressed in a cyan blazer with matching pants, white undershirt, black belt, purple necktie and black shoes as well as a blue hat.


He is a grouchy, mean guy when he told Scooby-Doo to get off of him and called him "mutt".


The Scooby-Doo Show[]

Season three[]

He wanted to buy the Vulture's Claw property from Professor Greer, but the latter wouldn't sell (or couldn't until he could finalize the sale to himself). Because of this Mr. Dickerman was a possible suspect to be the Mantis since he had a motive for driving Greer away.

