
Bill Waxfree is a former employee of a wax museum in Paris. He took to the sewers after losing his job, disguising himself as the Phantom of the Wax Museum.

Physical appearance[]

Bill is a Caucasian adult male, who hides his appearance by wearing a blue hat, cape, and mask. This type of costume is common among the 207 "Phantoms" that live in the Paris sewers.


He is vengeful, but capable of forgiveness when treated properly.


Early life[]

He worked for the wax museum, making figures for them, until he was fired. The owners took credit for his work and sold the museum to a new owner, Cherchay La Femme.

Scooby-Doo (Archie Comics)[]

He set out to take revenge by hiring actors to disguise themselves as monster figures in the museum and make them "come to life." After he was caught, Cherchay offered him a job again and credit for his work, which he accepted.

