
Lawrence is the captain of a cruise ship.

Physical appearance[]

He appeared to be physically fit with gray hair and is clean-shaven. In addition, the captain was dressed in the usual attire of a cruise ship captain, comprising of a white dress shirt, black tie, white tunic with slip-ons and a peaked cap.


The captain seemed to be very much devoted to his duty as cruise ship captain, in addition to remaining calm and authoritative in an urgent situation, as illustrated by him instructing Shaggy and Scooby to search for clues while he checks on the power.


Horror of the High Seas[]

The captain was asleep in his cabin when the ghost pirate ship attacked and when he woke up, everyone was gone. He later encountered Shaggy and Scooby, who enquired about the glowing ghost ship. Just then, the lights began to flash and figuring that they might be way off-course, the captain instructed the duo to go up on the bridge and search for clues while he goes below deck to check on the power. He wasn't seen afterwards.


