Expansion This needs a stretch. (Feel free to remove when satisfied of completion.)
* Physical appearance; clothing.
* History is incomplete.

Danica LeBlake is a former French fashion model, Daphne Blake's cousin and Guy L'Avorton's girlfriend.

Physical appearance[]

Aside from having long black hair instead of long red hair, Danica looks identical to her American cousin, Daphne. When it comes to clothes, Danica's outfits are basically just palette-swapped versions of Daphne's outfits (predominantly light purple with smaller sections in a darker shade of purple).


Despite her status as a top fashion model, Danica secretly hated her job and wished to have a more normal life like her American cousin, Daphne (though the life Daphne lives is quite the contrary). Evidently, she is also ticklish, as she laughed hard when Scooby tickled her when she was under the gargoyle disguise.


What's New, Scooby-Doo?[]

Season three[]

Danica LeBlake unmasked

Danica unmasked.

She wanted to get out of modeling, so she dressed up like a gargoyle, setting up her own capture to have a quiet life like Daphne then she could let Brooke be model of the year. When unmasked as the gargoyle, Danica was wearing a perfume called "Eau de Danger Prone", which Daphne had sent her. It was this perfume that made Daphne realize the identity of the monster.



  • She's one of the few opening victims who's revealed to be the culprit of the episode.
  • Danica's outfit at the end of the episode resembles Daphne's original outfit, but with lighter shades of purple.