Expansion This needs a stretch. (Feel free to remove when satisfied of completion.)
* Physical appearance.
* Personality.

Ezekial Gallows was the co-founder of Coolsville Academy, along with Prudence Prufrock.

Physical appearance[]

Insert details here.


Insert details here.

Powers and abilities[]

As a ghost, Ezekial had several powers:

  • Flight
  • Intangibility


Early life[]

He and Prudence were about to open the doors to their new school when all of a sudden a flood destroyed all of Coolsville, killing them both.

Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins[]

Hundreds of years later, their ghosts came out of their graves in the Coolsville Cemetery, scaring Scooby-Doo.

Later, his and Prudence's ghosts came out of an old book in the library of Coolsville High School and chased the gang away. They then scared everybody in the gym. They told the gang that he and his friend were under the Specter's control.

