Expansion This needs a stretch. (Feel free to remove when satisfied of completion.)
* Members.
* History.

The Blakes are a wealthy family, revolving around Daphne Blake. They own many businesses, including Blake's Videorama.


Member Role Images
Great-grandpa Blake Great grandfather Great Grandpa Blake and Pierre Goulash
Nedley Blake Father Nedley Blake
Elizabeth Blake Mother Elizabeth Blake
Daphne Blake Daughter Daphne Blake
Anna Blake Cousin Anna Blake
Matt Blake Uncle Matt Blake
Sandy Blake Uncle Sandy Blake
Shannon Blake Cousin Shannon Blake
Dan Uncle Uncle Dan (Karmic Chaos)
Murray Uncle Uncle Murray
Ted Uncle Image unavailable
Verner Uncle Uncle Verner
John Maxwell Uncle John Maxwell
Olivia Dervy Aunt Olivia Dervy
Esther Aunt Aunt Esther
Europa Aunt Aunt Europa
Helen Aunt Aunt Helen
Maggie Aunt Aunt Maggie
Jennifer Cousin Jennifer (The Creature Came from Chem Lab)
Gea Aunt Gea
Great-Uncle Randolph Great-Uncle Great-Uncle Randolph
Danica LeBlake Cousin Danica LeBlake
Saul Slotnik Uncle Saul Slotnik
Johnny Zoom Cousin Johnny Zoom


Early history[]

The Blakes had Scottish ancestry.

A Pup Named Scooby-Doo[]

Insert details here.
