Expansion This needs a stretch. (Feel free to remove when satisfied of completion.)
* Physical appearance; clothing.
* Personality is incomplete.

Dr. Nathan Archer was a college teacher and an inventor.

Physical appearance[]

He is a Caucasian male with gray hair and dark eyebrows. He wears round goggles pushed up on his head.


He is willing to resort to fraud when his inventions fail.


Scooby-Doo (DC Comics)[]

He had a trick planned to make his investors think that his enlarging ray actually worked, so he could run off with their money. When Shaggy Rogers blundered into his demonstration, he decided the trick would be even more impressive with a human subject instead of the food props he had prepared, so he put Shaggy into his resize-able "isolation room" to convince Shaggy and his friends that he was growing.

