Expansion This needs a stretch. (Feel free to remove when satisfied of completion.)
* Physical appearance is incomplete.
* Personality.
* History is incomplete.

The ninjas were attack robots made and programmed by Miss Mirimoto and Sojo.

Physical appearance[]

The robots wore ninja costumes and had glowing green eyes.


The Robot Ninjas have no personality but are programed only to follow Miss Mirimoto and Sojo's commands and orders.

Powers and abilities[]

They could hit, leap, shoot crossbows, and attack with chains.


Scooby-Doo! and the Samurai Sword[]

Robot ninja unmasked

One of the robots unmasked.

One of the reasons for the martial arts tournament (other than bringing in puzzle-solving Mystery Inc.), was to analyze the styles of all the top martial arts competitors, and program them into the robots to make them better fighters.

They were destroyed by the magnetic pulse by Velma and Kenji.

