
Willie Morris was an agent.

Physical appearance[]

Willie is a short, pudgy man with balding, white hair and he wears glasses. He wore a yellow long-sleeved shirt with a large collar underneath a dark brown jacket and gold medallion. He also wore brown pants with black stripes and black shoes.


He's a strict agent who wanted people to spend money on endorsement, in reality he's greedy individual who wants to get it all for himself and the imposter he hired.


Scooby-Doo! (DC Comics)[]

He had conducted a scheme on getting money from endorsement, by hiring a man to impersonate the Ghost of Benjamin Franklin.

While the gang was showing Benjamin's ghost the various modern-day technology's , Willie interrupted them and then told Benjamin, "Enough with the freebies!" When Fred asked who he was. Willie introduced himself and explains that he's Benjamin Franklin's agent and if they wanted to buy genuine endorsement, they must pay him.

Do to a slip up made by the imposter dressed as the ghost, he was unmasked, the gang then explained about it to the authority's and both Willie and the imposter were arrested.

