This article is for the Hex Girls of Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated. For the original incarnation of the group, see Hex Girls.

The Hex Girls are rock-stars, and Velma Dinkley's favorite band. They travel in a tour bus. Daphne Blake briefly got to perform with them, first as a disguised stand-in for Thorn, and later as a new singer with the stage-name "Crush".


Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated


Hex Girls and Crush

The girls perform at a concert singing their song "Hex Girl" and Mystery Inc was at the concert since Velma loves the band. A new villian known as the Phantom was trying to get rid of the Hex Girls and his first appearance almost seriously injured Thorn. After the concert, Mystery Inc goes backstage and Fred comes up with a plan that involved Daphne pretending to be Thorn since Thorn was the Phantom's main target. During the concert, Daphne (dressed as Thorn) sings a reprised version of "Earth, Wind, Fire, and Air". Then, unfortunatley, Fred's traps land on Dusk and Luna and Daphne gets kidnapped. Later they find Daphne who was mad at Fred when he wished he didn't care about Daphne. Daphne then becomes 'Crush', a new, temporary band member of the Hex Girls. Thorn and Daphne then write a song for Daphne to get over Fred called 'Trap of Love' then Daphne performs it at their concert as Crush. They eventually catch the Phantom and the Hex Girls become safe, and Daphne goes back to being herself and forgives Fred. While on stage, they perform "Hex Girl", "Earth, Wind, Fire, and Air", and "Trap of Love". "Earth, Wind, Fire, and Air" was performed by Daphne, posing as Thorn, Luna, and Dusk. "Trap of Love" features Daphne as her Hex Girl alter-ego, Crush. (In Fear Of The Phantom)



1. Hex Girl

2. Earth, Wind, Fire and Air

3. Trap of Love

