
The Jones Mansion is the Crystal Cove residence where Fred Jones, Jr. lives with his father. Fred has filled it with traps to catch intruders.

Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated

Fred Sr. talked to his son in his room about there being more to life than traps.

Major Jones was at home when Fred called him for help from Gatorsburg, but the mayor refused to get up from his comfortable recliner to go pick up Fred. (The Creeping Creatures)

Fred Jr. dumped Alice May as a prom date when she came to the front of his house. (The Legend Of Alice May)

Fred Jr. and Daphne Blake played with the traps in his house when under the influence of Aphrodite. (Where Walks Aphrodite)

Fred Jones, Sr. was caught searching his son's room by Velma Dinkley. (Menace Of The Manticore)

The house was haunted by the Shadowy Figure. (A Haunting In Crystal Cove)

