Expansion This needs a stretch. (Feel free to remove when satisfied of completion.)
* Physical appearance; clothing.
* History is incomplete.

Mr. Takagawa is a museum curator at the Tokyo Museum of Cultural History, who witnessed the return of the Ghost of the Black Samurai, and later the real Black Samurai.

Physical appearance

Mr. Takagawa is an elderly Japanese male, with gray hair, side burns, and a moustache. He wears spectacles and a maroon bow tie.


He is annoyed easily by his janitor, Kenji. He is stubborn and insistent, and really wants people to visit his museum.


Scooby-Doo! and the Samurai Sword

When he saw his janitor staring into space he got very annoyed and took him to see the Black Samurai. He told him that the Black Samurai was going to make the museum more popular and told his janitor part of the Black Samurai's history. Then the doors slammed shut and a kind of mist swirled into the room. Suddenly the Black Samurai became 'alive' again and dramatically exited the room with lots of blue lightning and flying.

He went to visit Miss Mirimoto to tell her to guard her scroll 'as the Black Samurai would come to get it'. She appeared skeptical and told Sojo, her loyal guard, to take him to his seat. Sojo grabbed Mr Takagawa and Miss Mirimoto told him that she thought the scroll was perfectly safe behind her walls.[1]


