
The Skeleton of San Clemente was the disguise of Douglas Groff.

Physical appearance[]

It's a white skeleton which wears a hood on it. It also has red eyes.


Not much is a about the skeleton, but do to it's appearance it might have been sneaky and frightening.


Scooby-Doo (DC Comics)[]

Douglas caused an unknown crime as the Skeleton of San Clemente. He was then caught by the gang and arrested.

He later broke out of prison along with three other criminals and they stole their costumes from the evidence lockers to continue causing crimes.

He was a suspect for the gang when they were investigating a jewelry store robbery, but it turned out to be the Cloaked Creature of the Catskills (AKA Alfred Bunsen). It was later revealed that Douglas and the two other criminals were caught by the police some time before the gang caught Alfred.

