Expansion This needs a stretch. (Feel free to remove when satisfied of completion.)

Skipper Shelton runs the Clam Cabin.

Physical appearance

Skipper wears a captain's hat, has a gray beard, a red handkerchief. He has a missing nose that was stolen by a clam.


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Early life

A clam took his nose.

Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated

Season one

Shaggy, Velma, and Scooby went to the Clam Cabin and later, Skipper was trapped inside because his door knob was missing.

The gang found a locker spilling sand out with his name on it, implicating him to be the Man-Crab. After the Man-Crab was caught it was discovered to be Bud Shelton who had chosen to frame the Skipper. (Revenge Of The Man Crab)

Skipper sold clam cotton candy in the Royal Knights Faire.

The Skipper was kidnapped by the Fish Freaks to work on their illegal oil-drilling scheme.

Season two

He saved the gang from a robot.




  • Skipper Shelton's story of losing his nose to a sea creature (and having a vendetta against it) is similar to Captain Squint (on the Jumanji animated TV series) who lost his nose to a sea monster. Both are parodies of Captain Ahab and Moby Dick.
  • The Skipper has five siblings: a sardiner, a shrimper, a mata rayer, a kelper, and a sea-dragoner (whom he said he didn't talk about, for some yet unknown reason). (The Siren's Song)