Expansion This needs a stretch. (Feel free to remove when satisfied of completion.)
* Powers and abilities
* History is missing details.

Time Slime is a demon from the Chest of Demons with the power to control the flow of time.

Physical appearance[]

Time Slime is a tall, cadaverous man with pale green skin, a bald head, an elongated chin and blue goggles. He also wears a blue cassock with a broad collar and a clock insignia on his chest.


Time Slime is as ambitious as he is tyrannical. His objective of world conquest seems only for the sake of defiling the world and having everyone in it under his rule. He is abrasive to his subordinates (he browbeats Bogel and Weerd, even more so than the other demons). He is very rude and has a penchant for designing elaborate demises for his enemies, which is his undoing -- when Scooby, infused with an uncharacteristic bout of courage, attacked and eliminated his trap, causing it to backfire.

Power and abilities[]

With his time scepter, Time Slime could speed up the flow of time and even stop it. He could also teleport himself and others anywhere he chooses.


The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo[]

Like the other 13 ghosts, Time Slime escaped from the Chest of Demons after Bogel and Weerd tricked Scooby-Doo into opening it. He eventually ended up in Cuckoosberg. He began to speed up time using his Time Scepter to a day when he could conquer the world. Eventually, the gang found his lair and he demanded the chest. Vincent Van Ghoul quickly teleported the gang, minus Scooby, out of the lair and did the same for Scooby, but the Time Scepter sent him into the past. After setting the scepter to the present, Scooby witnessed the moment he opened the Chest of Demons and several of the ghosts he released. After Vincent brings him back to the present day, Scooby was traumatized by the ordeal and quit the gang to return to his parent's place.

The gang then holds auditions to replace Scooby and eventually replace him with a lazy dog named Bernie Gumsher. Seeing a chance to get his scepter and the chest, Time Slime, Bogel and Weerd teleport to the gang's location and capture them. Time Slime then ties the gang up to a clock death trap and prepares to open the chest. Vincent tries to teleport them again, the his Crystal Ball jams. Luckily, he uses the Time Scepter to freeze time at the moment Time Slime opened the chest. He then goes to Scooby's place and teleports both of them 10 years into the future.

Scooby got a view of the 10 years in the future that would happen if he quit and let Time Slime win. As Vincent said, "Everything went wrong." This is an understatement, the world in the future is a post-apocalyptic junkyard, with very few people left (or at least wandering around). Now it seems that Time Slime's conquered the world, but he doesn't seem to be doing much with it, but defiling it. Flim-Flam (who's called Slime-X now) and Scrappy (who hails Time Slime as his hero because his Uncle Scooby abandoned him being a chicken when he quit the gang) have become disciples of Time Slime and wander the wasteland on motorcycles looking for victims to torment. Daphne has been enslaved and she's forced into endless pointless labor (cleaning a dungeon). Oddly, she says that she enjoys working for Time Slime, but it is also apparent her sanity is severely eroded. On the other hand, Shaggy has gone Bananas, believing fervently his old friend Scooby will come back and somehow turn this horrible world around, in fact, this seems to be the only coherent thought his mind can contain at this point.

Vincent then teleports Scooby back in time to the moment before Time Slime opens the chest. He saves his friends from the knight threatening the gang, causing it to knock Bogel and Weerd out of the lair and back Time Slime to a stairwell, causing him to slip and fall into the chest and is trapped by Scooby.

How far this alternate reality is in the future is never made clear. Scrappy and Flim Flam still seem to be pre-teens, but Daphne and Shaggy both look 20 years older (this of course could be due to this nightmare existence causing them to age prematurely).

