
Wayne is a child, whose mother is friends with Daphne Blake.

Physical appearance[]

Wayne is a young boy with black eyes and hair, wearing a crimson T shirt with white trim. He also wore blue jeans and blue and white sneakers.

As the Vampire Werewolf Mummy Ghost from Outer Space, he wears a mauve werewolf suit, wrapped in mummy bandages. He also wears a black and crimson pointy vampire collar and cloak accessorized with a crest and two antennae on his werewolf head.


Wayne seldom talks or gives any kind of emotional expression, even in the direst of situations. When Velma indirectly saved the gang from Madcap the Killer Clown, he gave a thumbs up, without any expression. He finally grew frustrated with the gang after they caught Madcap (unmasked as Oopsy), speaking and outlining the culprit's motive.


Be Cool, Scooby-Doo![]

Season one[]

Daphne was babysitting Wayne for her friend Andrea. Daphne spots Loony Park and they take the boy there to have fun. However, Wayne seems totally unimpressed and uninterested in anything they do, including a roller coaster ride while being attacked by Madcap the Killer Clown. He stays outside the Fun House with Velma while the rest of the Gang try to catch Madcap, only showing any emotion when Velma accidentally catches the clown, and when he steps in to explain the mystery.[1]

Wayne unmasked (Some Fred Time)

Wayne unmasked.

Season two[]

Fred Jones unmasked three monsters in a row on three unrelated mysteries at a construction site, where he unmasked the Vampire Werewolf Mummy Ghost from Outer Space, revealing it to be Wayne. His reason for doing this was left unexplained.[2]



  1. Into the Mouth of Madcap Season 1, Episode 24
  2. Some Fred Time, season 2, episode 1.